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Monday, December 12, 2011

Feliz Navidad...

12 de Diciembre 2011                                          

Querido Santa,

Este año te pido felicidad y mucha salud para mi hijo Alexandro; que esta navidad la luz de dios lo iluminé y le brinde muchas bendiciones.  Para Alejandro te pido un trabajo estable para los dos poder estar bien. Para mi familia y todos mis amigos te pido que les brindes muchísimo amor, salud, abundancia y que el trabajo no les falte y para mi solo te pido que el trabajo no me falte y que mi salud no falle para poder seguir trabajando y cuidando de mi casa y mi hijo; tambien muchos años de vida para todos los que amo para poder tener los muchos años mas a mi lado.   Gracias y Feliz Navidad Dios los bendiga :-)

Friday, November 11, 2011


No entiendo porque la vida tiene que ser tan difícil, ay muchos que lo tienen bien fácil y aun se quejan.  La vida es color de rosa para muchos y ni aun así están satisfechos y uno que batalla para salir adelante se conforma con solo estar bien.

Siempre he dicho que las cosas pasar por algo pero quisiera saber el porque es la razón.  Ahora creo que la muerte es fácil y vivir es difícil.  Mi única razón de seguir viviendo es mi hijo, si no fuera por el, el cáncer fuera Ganado hace mucho.  Alomejor lo malo que me pasa es para que mi hijo apprenda que ay que luchar y no dar se por vencido, lo malo de todo esto que el sufre mucho cuando me ve mal y me da mucha tristeza que el pase por todo esto.

A vezes me siento tal mal y tan estressada que quisiera que ya fuera el fin del mundo para que se terminara tanto sufriemeinto, y violencia que ay en el mundo para reunirnos con dios y todos nuestros seres queriedos que nos esperan en el cielo.  Avezes quisera gritar lo mas fuerte que pueda para sacar este coraje que tengo de tanto dolor y sufrimiento.

Solo espero que algún día llegue paz a mi vida otra vez.  Y si ay alguien que tiene que estar enferma en mi familia prefiero ser yo que alguien mas de mi familia, no le deseo esto a nadie a quien yo amo.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


RIP FEB 17, 1973-OCT. 13, 2009
2 Años de Anniversario 

Yo no estaba allí cuando llegó tu momento.
Llegue dos horas muy tarde para poder decir te que no te fueras y para decir te que siempre te amare…
Quisiera haber tenido tu mano en la mía
y agarrarte fuerte para no dejarte marchar,
para atraparte y decir cuanto te necesitamos,
decir te que me visitaras todos los días.
Pero te fuiste y tu mano no pude detener mientras tomabas tu ultimo aliento, tu gran mano no me dijo adiós.
Tesoro, corazón, todos los días te siento aunque no te puedo tocar.  Todos los días rezo por tu eterno descanso.

Te Extrañamos mucho y siempre estas en nuestros corazones…

Cristina Rodriguez y Alexandro Nevarez-Rodriguez

Diosito te tenga en su Santa Gloria Prieto.

Monday, September 19, 2011

FINALLY!!!! The House After pictures YAY YAY!!!!

So finally after months and months of struggling of getting our house fixed, and hundreds of dollars in attorney fee's later, it has finally gotten done!  I want to thank our Lord, La Virgen de Guadalupe and all of those people who have been there supporting my family and I through the tough times and struggle we went through since last winter.  God Bless and from the bottom of our hearts thank you so much for all of your Prayers and good thoughts! Oh yeah and also in other news still CANCER FREE!!!! :) all testings come out negative; I have been really blessed...


Wednesday, September 7, 2011


The Best thing since AVON ANew!!!

Start to see the difference in just after one night when applied at PM. The cream is not sticky or slimy; it is a rich silky cream which will feel pleasantly on your face and neck.  ONLY $38.00 + tax

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Get your hands one today. You will NOT be disappointed?Guaranteed money back if not satisfied!

I personally ordered the Demo and have been using it for the past few weeks and I am totally in LOVE with this product!! My skin is softer, healthier, and firmer; I would recommend this product to anyone who is trying to get healthier and younger skin.  Give it a try!

Cristina Rodriguez
AVON Sales Representative
505-948-4380 text or leave a msg
Thank you.

Friday, August 19, 2011

House Before Pictures...

So these are the before pictures of my house....


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Review: Live Loved (Experience God's Presence in Everyday Life)

Author: Max Lucado
$9.46 (Amazon price)
Paperback: 320 pages
Publishing Details:
Publisher: Thomas Nelson; Gift edition (May 3, 2011)
Date: May 3, 2011
Format: Hardcover
ISBN10: 1404190066
ISBN13: 978-1404190061
Language: English

This book helped me survive treatment through Cancer; so weird how much hope, faith, and inspiration you can get from a little book. Every time I felt down or when hope began to fade away I opened up Love Lived and tears of joy came down my cheeks because what this book says is so very true; God never leaves us alone, he is there by our side to guide and protect us and everything he does is because it was written for us to live through that experience. We might not understand his doing or why bad things happen to us, but they happen to make us stronger people, only God knows why tough things arise through our path. This book helps you build faith and help remind ourselves that we can do anything with hope and prayer. Each word goes deep in my heart, I cry every time I read it because I feel God so near; it reminds me that he has never left and is always there to listen, all I have to do is ask of him and he will be there to listen and help with my problems. If you are depressed, going through Cancer, or just have a tough time with life, this book is great to help bring back hope it will show you that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Marx Lucado is a great Author; I love all the books I have read so far, I still have a long list to go. You will definitely enjoy this book if you open your heart to it, every time I feel down I open Live Loved and I feel a little better. Hope you Enjoy & God Bless!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Señor yo Te Amo...¡Gracias, Señor!

Tú conoces todo y sabes que Te amo. Ayúdame a tener siempre en cuenta mi limitación humana y mi debilidad. Dame un espíritu sincero y generoso de aceptación de mi dolor y enfermedad. Que tu gracia me ayude a no encerrarme en mi misma. Dame luz y valor para ver tu mano bondadosa que va trabajando en m¡ a través de mi enfermedad, aún sin darme yo cuenta de ello. Cuando esté triste y deprimida, nunca permitas que falle mi confianza en Tí y en tu gracia poderosa.

Enséñame a ser abierta, para apreciar los esfuerzos de los doctores,
de las enfermeras y de todos los que cuidan mi salud. A veces tengo dolores, muchos dolores, sufro mucho y me parece que nadie sabe comprenderme, que nunca voy a salir de mis males, y la desesperación quiere apoderarse de mi espíritu. Dame fe y fuerza para levantar mis ojos hacia Tí, mi ayuda y mi salvación. Te pido sigas bendiciendo este día, cuidándome con tu mirada de Padre e iluminando a todos aquellos que hoy me llegen a visitar y rezan por mi. Tambien te inploro por la salud de Cesar Nevarez, y muchas gracias por eschucar nuestras oraciones hacia el. Te lo agradezco de todo corazon dioscito. ¡Gracias, Señor!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Surgery Day... MD Anderson

I'm on my way to the hospital, I have a pet scan at 7am and my surgery is scheduled for 10:30am. I just want to take this opportunity to thank all of my friends and family members who have been supporting me through this tough journey! I want all of you to know that I LOVE & appreciate you very much! I also want my son Alexandro to know that he is the most important person in my life and that I love him with all my heart and I thank God everyday for giving me the gift of being his mother. I LOVE YOU BABE (MI FLACO) ;)

Thanks again to everyone and hope to see u very soon!

Oh and FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES (today is mothers Day in Mexico)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Finding Faith...

Yesterday's mass was beautiful...  I cried with the words the father was preaching.  Jesus Christ never leaves us alone, faith makes things possible.  If things occur that you do not understand its because God knows your strong enough to face them and you will become stronger by knowing your faith will save you.  i am reading a book that says things that happen to us is not to punish us but for a reason to be put to good use, a circumstance or to help others even though we might not know why or what they mean.  Even if its just to touch the soul of one person, God uses you to help others and yourself. 

I don't know why or how I got Cancer, but now I know its to help those who are going through the same as I am, those who need my guidance and advice.  With my advice I can help people not make the same mistakes I did when first diagnosed.  Seek professional treatment with Doctors I know are good providers. 

I was really touched today, I got a FaceBook message by a girl who read my blog seeking information on Thyroid Cancer; she was first diagnosed and her message touched me!  I don't know her and she doesn't know me, but she was first diagnosed last week and came across my blog, and is seeking my advice of what I think she should do; I am honered and belive it is my duty and gift from God to help her.  God once again has given me a sign he is always here!  Faith will bring us to better health. 

P.S. For anyone going through the struggle of this tough battle of fighting cancer here are some great resources you can use which have help me through this tough journey, and I am always here is anyone needs of me :)

American Cancer Society (they are always willing to help and answer any questions)

Md Anderson Cancer Center (Houston, Texas) 

Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers (Denver, Colorado)

Cancer Care

These are just a few of the so many resources that are out there to seek information and help regarding cancer. Remember I am here to answer any questions, if I don't know the answer I will help you find it.   God bless & never give up hope!

Friday, April 29, 2011

MD Anderson Confirmed...

So I leave to Houston Tx on May 7, 2011.  I have 8 appointment lined up on May 9th and my surgery will be held on May 10 (mexican mothers day :( )  I made reservations at a studio 6, but I hope I can get in with the rotary house because it is so much cheaper.  

To be honest, I am scared, this surgery sounds very complicating.  I just pray that everything turns out for the best, its in Gods hand now.  I should have not of done this but I went on the Internet to see the neck dissection surgeries and they are awful; oh my I am freaking out!  I should have not looked at that!!!  Oh boy...

I will be out there for about 2 weeks; hopefully I can get back before my sons 10th birthday! Poor baby I wanted to through him a birthday party, but I have no money and my house is still destroyed so that is off the list.  Hope you all have a great weekend! God bless.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

MD Anderson…

So on Monday I went to my consult with the general surgeon Dr. Kimberly Vanderveen, great person by the way; she explained my entire situation and as it looks it is more complicating than I thought. The type of cancer that I have will never ever really go away, it’s like weeds in your yard you cut them, kill them and eventually sooner or later they come back; obviously that is not what I wanted to hear, but I appreciate her honesty. Dr. Vanderveen gave great detail to everything I needed to know.

It all got to me and I started crying; she said Cristina you’re so young and I want the best treatment for you so you can learn to live with this and survive, I don’t want this cancer to be life threatening to you in the future because if we don’t get this done soon it can spread to the rest of your body, lungs, blood vessels, and bones. With all this information all giving to me at once, I could not take all the emotional distress and tears just rolled down my eyes. The doctor asked me if I had children, I answered yes a 9 year old son, this is when she started crying with me which made me feel she cared what I am going through. The result is the surgery can not be done here in Albuquerque; there are a lot of risks. This surgery requires a lot of detail and a surgeon with experience.

I have been referred to MD Anderson to Dr. Gary Clayman. If I would stay and do the surgery here in Albuquerque I have the risk of losing my life or losing my voice for ever since the lymph nodes which have cancer is surrounding the vocal box and cords. There are also more lymph nodes surrounding over areas of the neck and upper chest. The surgery I will be having is about 10 hours long. I left the office crying and totally scared of what the next few months hold for me.

After the consult I went to my dads I needed comfort from a blood relative; he showed much concern and since we don’t have the financial resources to go on a trip to Houston Texas at this time he decided to go ask the bank for a loan so we can have money for the trip to put gas, food, motel, etc. I will be in the hospital but my father, son, and boyfriend will need a place to stay while I’m there. The doctor thinks I will be at MD Anderson about 1-2 weeks and off of work for about a month. My other worry is that I have not PTO to get paid while I am off work to pay the bills and the mortgage; I am freaking out! I guess I will have to deal with one problem at a time. The good news is that my dad called last night while I was sleeping and told my boyfriend he got a small loan from the bank approved to pay for our trip.

In other news or problems the seller to my house has still not contacted the lawyer; she has until Friday the 22nd or else she will be sued and we will go to court and fight to get the insurance money she kept in order to fix my home. So many things to deal with at once I still don’t know how I can still keep a smile on my face  LOL LOL LOL. All I know God is with me and will help me get out of all these issues. Hopefully after this one he will know I have a lot of faith in him so he can stop testing it.  I ask all of you to please pray for my family and me in these hurtful times. Thank you in advance for you prayers.

Houston Texas here I come!!! I have never been to Houston at least I will see the convention center where my idol Selena Quintanilla used to sing  even in the bad of circumstances I always try to find a good out of it!

Selena Quintanilla RIP + (1971-1995) +
Was murdered on March 31, 1995

PS. I forgot to mention Alexandro lost another tooth while he was sleeping last night so this time he might only get $1, times are bad right now LOL hope he doesn't get too upset!  Now he decided to lose teeth!!  We both have an orthodontist apt this evening so the orthodontist will be pleased those teeth he lost are no longer in the way! LOL

Monday, April 18, 2011

Update on this past Palm sunday weekend...

Oh my goodness today is my consult with the surgeon and I am almost positive my surgery will be this week. I checked her schedule and she has tomorrow and Friday open! I know it had to come, but now that is has, I am very nervous. My dad called yesterday and said he dreamt I was healthy and thin like I used to be before; I wish that was the case. He said maybe my dream means you are going to get well. I sure hope that is true.

So in other news, Alexandro lost a tooth on Friday; he was so excited about getting money from the tooth fairy. Usually years back when he lost a tooth the tooth fairy would give him $5 a tooth, now the tooth fairy is broke so she only gave him $2 LOL LOL LOL. So he put his tooth under the pillow on Friday and on Saturday he comes into my room saying mom the tooth fairy didn’t give me no money; (*the tooth fairy had forgotten about it ooppss), oh no babe maybe she is on vacation I told him. LOL LOL LOL. Oh I guess that is it mom; lets see if she comes tonight. So when he fell asleep my BF went in to get the tooth and put the $2. Sunday morning he comes in and says mom the tooth fairy is back from vacation she gave me $2 dollars; I think the molars are only $2 because for canines she always would give me $5, I need to lose a canines so I can get more money mommy. LOL LOL LOL funny!!!

On Saturday I was supposed to go to a birthday party, but I stayed in bed all day long; I was not feeling good at all, my entire body was hurting. I was so excited for the weekend to arrive and then the illness hit me; it is so weird like some days I can be ok and others I can’t even move. Literally I feel like a woman of 80 years old!!! It is so frustrating for our minds to feel so young and our body to feel older than it is. I just hope it gets better after the surgery. Well that is it for today folks, have a wonderful week.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Donate Life Register to save lives...

"I, Cristina Rodriguez , have signed up with the Donate Life New Mexico Organ & Tissue Donor Registry to save lives. Please join me in saving and enhancing the lives of thousands of people in need of your help. It took me only a few minutes to sign up -- minutes that could mean years of life for someone else. To sign up or for more information, please visit  or

PS. If you don't live in NM register in your state :) God will bless you!

Status of life occurrences...

So life has not been so easy lately. The seller whom I did my real estate contract to purchase my home kept all of the monies from the insurance and my home has not been fixed from the flood that the frozen pipes caused back on February 2nd occurred. With all I am dealing with emotionally and physically with my cancer it has caused more stress on my life. I had to hire an attorney which I had never ever in my life had to do.

I don’t understand how people can be so fake and so cruel. I am living in a home that is not livable, getting ready to have an important surgery due to my cancer and knowing all these issues she still didn’t care and did all this to me. I guess it’s hard to believe there are people so hurtful in this world when I myself would never do that to anyone especial not to anyone in need.

God will do justice on her and with time she will pay for her do’s, until then lets just hope that my attorney can make her pay some do’s here on earth for now. I don’t like to fight, but I never give up! I will fight till the end for justice and to survive.

I wanted to do a little party for Alexandro for his 10th birthday in May at the house, but with all this going on I guess it will not be possible. At times I don’t even know what to feel if to choose life or death, then I wake up and think about my little Alex, he needs me. A lot of things have happened in such a little time and I still don’t know how to cope with so many problems God tests me with. I still miss Chuy a lot and think about him every single day. It may seem sad, but I have actually given up on love, I will never love again. I have a BF, but I will never be able to love him with the strength and passion that I still love Chuy with.

So on Monday 18th finally my consult with the surgeon; I am almost sure my surgery will be on the Friday 22nd. The 19th is open too, but its @ Kaseman the other hospital is where I had my other surgery’s and didn’t turn out to well, so I want to have it @ the main Presbyterian hospital were I work at. Let’s see what she says on Monday. I am kind of nervous, if you are a previous reader as you know I died in 2005 after a surgery I had to remove a brain tumor! Life is always in God’s hands and he decides whether to keep us here to continue learning or take us to rest in peace! Thanks for reading; I needed to VENT a little!!! God bless and have a wonderful day.


Author: Alton Gansky

$10.54 (Amazon price)
Paperback: 320 pages

Publishing Details:
Publisher: Nelson, Thomas Incorporated
Date: March 15, 2011
ISBN13: 9780785231653
ISBN: 078523165X
BINC: 3212119

Language: English

This book helps you better understand God; it’s like he is really talking to you and explaining to you all your doubts. Why things are or were before, why he changed from a fierce God from the Old Testament to a gentler God in the New Testament. It is amazing what you will learn from reading this book; they’re things that are in the bible which were written and were told to us way before men say they discovered it; just like when they said Christopher Columbus discovered that the world was round, it was written in the bible way before time. I don’t want to spoil the book for you so I won’t give out too much, but it’s an awesome book. You will learn so much from reading this book, it will help you ease your mind and gain more trust in what you believe or if you don’t believe you probably will start believing. It was a great reading experience and I learned a lot.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In Gods Hands...

Life is difficult but sweet…

I want to imagine what heaven is like, does it have all the wonderful things we have here like the smell of rainfall and the colors of the rainbows after a storm?

The bible says that in heaven there is no marriage; I always had the question on the back of my mind if my mother was married to her lost husband before my father then when she passes who would she be with, but in heaven that is not an issue, we all become angels of the lord and marriage is not an issue.

Like it says in Matthew 22:28: In the resurrection, therefore, of the seven, whose wife will she be? For they all had her.” Matthew 22:29: But Jesus answered them, "You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God. Matthew 22:30: For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.

I have gotten closer to the words of our lord; when ever I start to worry about my illness, bills, etc. I read my bible and my worries get dimmer to the back of my mind. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but I do not worry anymore because I know God is always watching over me and I accept whatever his will might be. I know that we are not mortal and that only our soul is eternal, all I ask is that my son be taken care of in the event I can not do it myself. That is all I ask for. I am in Gods hands.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Feeling worse latley...

So last week I had took my nuclear med on 3/8 had nuclear scan on 3/10 and had ultrasound on 3/11. I have been feeling more like crap lately; I have severe body aches and severe headaches. I wake up in the middle of the night with pain! This morning I called to Dr. Galagan’s office to see if they can check if the results have come in; at this point I am desperate because I feel awful… This morning I was going to call into work but I have no PTO and I really really need my hours, and I also realized that two other girls were going to be out today, so I decided to pucker up, get my achy body up, and come in to work.

After I have a little breakfast I am planning on taking some pain meds maybe that will help me get through the day. I faxed Dr. Galagan’s office short term disability paperwork last week so if I need to be off for pain or treatment I can get paid but he has not faxed the paperwork back to me :(. My face looks awful I am getting spots and pimples; I guess it could be from stress but my face has never been like this before!
I have been on the low iodine diet for 2 weeks now; I hate it, but what else can I do. I just want the pain to go away, I truly feel awful, the headaches are unpredictable and so painful. I have on right now, I so want to go home! I thank all of you who are praying for me and also for all of your support. Have a great week and God bless you…

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Prayer for healing from dedicated to me from Elaine / Thank you :)

No matter what your need for healing is, God is more than able to heal you. In

fact, He wants to heal you! He can and does heal people every day, and we at
CBN are continually blessed by the many testimonies of God's healing power
working in the lives of thousands of people.

"But for you who revere my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with
healing in his wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from
the stall" (Malachi 4:2). Let God's Word be both a comfort and an encouragement

to you, knowing that it is His will for all His children to be healthy, happy,
and full of life.

God means exactly what He says, and His Word is the absolute, uncompromising truth. In Psalm 107:20 God tells us that "He sent forth His Word and healed them" (Hebrews 4:12). His Word is eternal, powerful, and full of life.

Read your Bible daily and spend time praying. Praying does not necessarily
mean that you will do all of the talking. Keep a notebook with you and after
you have read some scriptures and prayed, simply listen. You may feel that God impresses you with something that is personal to you. You may feel that a scripture is a specific answer to questions you've had or that it has a
different message than you've noticed before. Write down those impressions.
You will find them to be a great encouragement in the future.

Let your heart and mind rest in the Lord as you pray, for in His presence there
is great peace. This divine peace is a very special gift, one that only He can
give you. Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not
give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not
be afraid" (John 14:27).

As you envision the loving face of Jesus, remember the words of wisdom found in Isaiah 26:3-4: "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast,
because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord is the Rock
eternal." Allow your soul to bathe in the everflowing peace of Christ, the only
peace that is truly beyond all human understanding.


Ron Hall
Denver Moore
Lynn Vincent

$14.95 (Amazon price)

Paperback: 237 pages

Publisher: Thomas Nelson (2006)

Language: English

ISBN: 0849900417

I received a free copy from “BookSneeze” This book is about a man named Denver who is raised under a slavery plantation in Louisiana in 1960’s; he escapes onto a train. He remains homeless for about eight years in Dallas, Texas. He is no longer a slave; he felt hopeless until he finds faith in God; he meets a faithful woman who discovers she has cancer. Facing death she calls to her husband to rescue Denver. Denver will be lost, but will be saved as well. Only reading the book you can find out the outcome of these three. This book has a very emotional story to tell dealing with pain, love, hardships, and the faith it brings in heaven. It’s an awesome story to read.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Last Will and Testament Notarized...

I decided I have to be prepared for whatever comes next, so yesterday I finally got the courage to go and have my Last Will and Testament notarized. I have faith that everything will be fine, but just in case God decides that his will is for me to leave this earth, I can leave in peace knowing that my son’s life is in good hands and that his wellbeing is good taken care of; my son is all I care about right now.

After I had the documents notarized I went straight to my mother-in-law’s house, Lupe Nevarez; she is my son’s grandmother on his father’s side of the family. Lupe seemed disturbed of the idea and so did the entire family, but this is something that needed to be done. I have no idea what will happen. Only God knows what he holds for each and everyone of us, and I just want to be a responsible parent and be able to sleep at night knowing that my son will be taken care.

The family got upset that I am already thinking of a Last Will and Testament, but the way I see it, life is too short and it can end at any minute; at work, on the street, or shopping for groceries. It may not necessarily be Cancer it can be anything at any given time and we need to be prepared to have the lives of the ones we love know what your wishes are if this cycle of life would happen at any given time. Lets face it we are only eternal after death not on earth; our life is just borrowed to us for a little while, until our day comes to say goodbye. I didn’t make a Last Will and Testament because I am giving up or thinking about death, I did it because I want to be prepared if it ever knocks at my door. Faith is one thing I will never give up! Never! I will fight all the way to the end for my son Alexandro…

Psalm 27:1

"The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid?"Psalm 27:1

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