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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother’s Day…

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mommas out there! Hope you are enjoying your day. I certainly have enjoyed mine. I slept in late and have been here at home veging out. My son Alexandro who is 8 years old woke me up about 8:00 a.m. this morning; he said mommy open your eyes and then after you may go back to sleep if you want to. I was dreaming at the time, so it took me a while to open my eyes. Finally after fighting with the fact that I had to get up, I saw my little boy standing there waiting for me to see what he had ready for me. My little boy had made me a big Mother’s Day card and had gone to buy me roses; he said mommy Happy Mother’s Day, I made you this card at school, and Alejandro helped a little by taking me to Wal-Mart this morning to buy you these roses with the money I had saved up. My son gave me a kiss and told me how much he loves me; I said thank you and went back to sleep.

We went to bed late last night because we went to my best friend’s house; we stayed there until about 10:30 p.m. and still came home and watched the Lion King. I fell asleep on the couch towards the end of the movie; I don’t even remember how I got to my bed.

Friday evening was kind of interesting; if you can call it that. I went to the orthodontist for my consult, and I was certain he would say I did not need braces like my dentist had said, but unfortunately I was mistaking. They put braces on my top teeth and in a few months they put the bottom ones as well. It is not that my teeth are corked because they never have been, but my they state my bite is uneven, so they want to straighten my jaw. Wow the things in which I must go though now as an adult, because my parents never took me to the dentist as a child. My orthodontist is a really nice guy; also he is a very hot white guy!!! Hubba hubba lol. My son Alex was with me and caused an impression on Dr. Craig with all his smart talk that Dr. Craig decided to give him a free consultation and free x-ray’s; he said Alex needs braces as well, my baby will be getting them in about a month. At least he will have them on as a kid and not have to wait until he is 27 years old like me to find out he needs them. LOL Alex was not too thrilled with the idea, but I made him understand that his teeth are uneven and some are starting to hit the root and in the long run the doctor said he would lose them if he didn’t straighten them. Alex understood and agreed; he said he doesn’t want to end up like grandma with no teeth; I said the exact same thing, this is why I am following doctor’s orders to the top of the line. LOL.

That has been my exciting weekend news, and tomorrow back to work. Hope you all mothers out there are enjoying your Mother’s Day and have a fabulous coming week. God bless.

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Psalm 27:1

"The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid?"Psalm 27:1

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